Early Bird Delight

As a Seattle youngster, I spent a lot of time alone outdoors watching and drawing birds from a private perch in our backyard.

The Summer House.

It wasn't just for summer. I played there all year round, and it wasn't really a house - except in my imagination.

One day I took - without permission - an unopened box of oil paints and a small canvas board from Dad's home office to the Summer House and painted a doll's portrait. It looked just like her. Stunned - and afraid I'd be found out - I put everything back.

Secretly in love.

If Dad discovered the used paints, he never mentioned them. 

I kept busy working puzzles, designing paper dolls, coloring in coloring books, and in the sixth grade, when Mrs. Fountain read Maurice Sendak's children's book, "Where the Wild Things Are," I chose my career.

For the next twenty-five years I took art classes in high school and at the University of Washington, until finally receiving a BFA in Painting 'With Distinction' from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA.

The book world opened up for me on a sojourn in New York City, showing my portfolio to editors and art directors at children's publishing houses on my 'Top 5' list. 

I spent the next thirty-four years wrestling my art and love into illustrations for beautiful children's books.

My 25th - and final - illustrated picture book, "Chicken Talk Around the World," by Carole Lexa Schaefer, came out in March, 2021. Go to "Gallery" (above) to see all my book covers and their ISBN #'s to find them through your library or favorite bookstore.

Now I'm 72 ! Living in Spokane, WA, in a small apartment reminiscent of the Summer House. I started this Etsy shop fourteen years ago, selling 'HAND-Stands' - fabric hand jewelry displays - then added fabric masks through the pandemic. 

I am monumentally grateful for all of you - my followers and customers, your views and purchases and 5-Star reviews!

There's only one word on my bucket list now: 


I quilt and paint birds - early in the morning - hoping what Delights me will Delight you too.

>>  CLICK ON ANY BIRD in my "Shop" for more views and details - and to buy!  <<

Thanks so much.
~ Pierr (2 R's - pronounced like a fishing pier ;-))

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